DACO’s fifth book in their detailed range “Uncovering the…”, is the Lockheed F-104G and TF-104G Starfighters. Approximately 875 detailed colour photos are included and and there are two large foldouts (1 meter / 40″ long) with accurate 1/72 and 1/48 scale drawings and the various cockpit layout drawings.
The contents of the book covers the whole aircraft, starting at the pitot tube/radome with radar detail and working its way down the fuselage to the tail. The Vulcan gun is detailed as are the airframe panels, the exhaust nozzles, avionics bays, landing gear and respective bays. This book leaves nothing out in its photographic coverage. There is a section for the cockpit which is incredibly detailed and incorporates the ejection seat and computers in the aircraft. 24 pages are used to uncover the TF-104G two-seater separately. There are 16 pages of maintenance pictures and the authors also cover the various specialised ground equipment used with the Starfighter which is very useful to the diorama builder. And finally, there are 20 pages are showing all kinds of armament the Starfighter could carry, from missiles, rockets, bombs and dispensers to nukes.
This book has been produced for the modeller, providing an absolute wealth of reference photographs and detail and drawings one could wish for to produce an accurate (T)F-104G Starfighter in any scale. For those with the 1/32 AFV Club, Hasegawa, Italeri and Revell kits, (or any of the many 1/72 kits and 1/48 kits), and an inclination to do some extra detailing then this is the book for them.