
Tonnerre Sur La France – Les F-84E/F/G & RF-84 Dans L’Armee De L’Air

This book covers the history of all the French units that flew on F-84 during the years 1950-1960, shedding a global light on the functioning of French social and military life in this period.  Illustrated throughout.  French text and captions.

French text and captions.

French text and captions.

AUTHOR – Jean-Jaques Petit


FORMAT – Softback

PAGES – 290


ISBN – 978 2 9528167 8 6

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Category: Product ID: 8030


This book covers the history of all the French units that flew on F-84 during the years 1950-1960, shedding a global light on the functioning of French social and military life in this period.  Illustrated throughout.  French text and captions.

Additional information

Weight 1.38 kg