From war-torn southern Sudan to the Canadian Arctic, from the pampas of Argentina to the Indian Himalayas, the Avro 748 family earned a reputation for versatility and ruggedness. First flown in 1960, 381 748s were built – 89 of them in India. These, plus the Andovers and the British Aerospace Advanced Turboprops (ATPs) which succeeded them off the Chadderton and Woodford lines, are covered in this book. Numbers of the 748 family are now fast depleting as more economic types appear. This volume describes the development of each type, gives performance and dimensional data, and provides detailed individual histories of all the aircraft. Details of every operator and their use of each aircraft are given, together with detailed line drawings (including of little-known projected versions) and more than 300 photographs, of which over half are in colour, plus drawings.