
The Aviation Historian Issue 31

AUTHOR – Various

PUBLISHER – The Aviation Historian

FORMAT – Softback

PAGES – 130





1 in stock

Category: Product ID: 5979


Included in this issue are articles about: the wildly optimistic attempts of French aeronaut Louis Damblanc to build a very early form of tilt-rotor just after World War One; the small, nimble Cold War jet fighter – the Northrop F-5 – in Swiss Air Force service; the intrepid founders of the “Hump” wartime aerial route over the Himalayas; Lennart Andersson’s investigation into top secret inter-war aerial chemical warfare experiments by Germany and the Soviet Union; Professor Keith Hayward’s political analysis of the malheureuse Anglo-French Variable Geometry project;  Amaru Tincopa’s Wings Over Peru series, in which he traces the career of the Douglas 8A in Peruvian service; an appraisal of the remarkable and long-serving Bristol Hercules sleeve-valve radial engine; a look at Italy’s first four “grandfather” airlines, formed in the early 1920s; the completion of a two-parter on Australian Department of Civil Aviation anti-Japanese espionage in Portuguese East Timor during World War Two; a business-jet pilot’s recollections of flying a B-24 Liberator; the first part of an interview with one of Canada’s most distinguished airmen – Lt-Col Fern Villeneuve AFC

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