For the first time a thorough and comprehensive study on the development and operational use of this legendary aircraft is published. Well beyond LeO 451 she looks at the LeO 45 family as a whole. The author, Jean-Michel Meunier, has been working on the subject for more than a decade. So you have here the fruits of a thorough research, illustrated in abundance with period photos, technical documents, scale plans, color illustrations, etc. The scale of the work has forced to publish it in two parts: Volume I devoted to the only LeO 451 from its origins until 1945 at the end of the Second World War. Volume II devoted to other versions of the large family of LeO 45 and their use until the 50s.
This Volume II includes 308 pages, in 24 cm X 31 cm format, more than 400 photos, 50 profiles and colour views.