
Les Avions De Transport Et De Liaison De L’Armee De L’Air De 1945 A Nos Jours

AUTHOR – Cay, Guillem & Palmieri

PUBLISHER – Editions LELA Presse

FORMAT – Hardback

PAGES – 472


ISBN – 978 2 37468 042 2

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Category: Product ID: 16544


Ask anyone to name an Air Force transport plane, they will most certainly tell you about the “Transall”, the “Noratlas” or the brand new “A400M”. And yet, the variety and volume of the transport fleet, all aircraft and all periods combined, are significantly greater than in hunting. Moreover, no one disputes that Air Force carriers have been involved in all overseas operations since 1945, brilliantly writing great pages in military and aeronautical history. It was therefore only fair to finally bring together all these planes and their units, over 75 years of history, across all continents. Not only the transport planes, but also all those which were used for the connections,

The first part of the book reviews all transport, liaison, in-flight refueling and specific mission aircraft (electronic warfare, search and rescue, calibration, etc.). The second part brings together and presents all the units of the Air Force that have used these devices, both in mainland France and in theaters of operations. Thus, all aircraft designed from the outset for transport are presented in detail (design, use, particularities, etc.), as well as their modified versions for training and specific missions (electronic warfare, search and rescue, calibration …), without forgetting the aircraft whose initial vocation was in no way transport or liaison.

At the same time, all the units with a “transport” vocation (and similar), but also those for training and specific missions are detailed (chronology, traditions, staffing, etc.). This work, of more than 470 pages, illustrated with some 600 photographs and 17 unpublished colour profiles, is not however dedicated to military air transport stricto sensu and the in-flight tankers of the Strategic Air Forces are not omitted, as well as the technical units that have always supported Air Force transporters.



Additional information

Weight 2.1 kg