Finally, over 50 years after her last flight with Pan American Airways, the complete story of the famed, Boeing-built, B-314 flying Clipper ship has been written. Author M.D. Klaás, historian and writer of Pan Am’s early flying boat era during the 1930s and 1940s, has put together historical accounts of America’s greatest – and the world’s largest – commercial airplane of the 1930s and early 1940s. It covers the multiple reasons for the plane’s conception, stages of construction, testing, delivery flights, christenings, inaugural operations, established records, World War II special missions’ histories, post-war services and the individual demise accounts surrounding each of the twelve models built specifically for Pan Am. The history of sales to and operations with British Overseas Airways (B.O.A.C.) – now British Airways – is also included in in-depth coverage.