French text and captions.
The Reims airfield is steeped in history. The first city-to-city flight in history, carried out by Henry Farman, linked Chalons to Reims and in 1909 the first air meeting in history was an event with an impact difficult to imagine today. This book is the result of the collaboration of a photographer, Franck Poitevin, and the communication officer of the BA 112, Frédéric Lafarge, also administrator of the museum of the Air Base.
It opens with the rich history of the field, chapters illustrated with neat iconography, The second part traces the life of an air base, where all the trades are evoked, thus giving a fair image of the activity of the place. Of course, the planes and the pilots are present but are not featured more than the scenes of daily life, thus giving a very human aspect to the military institution. The photographs of Franck Poitevin are remarkable and support with real sensitivity the detailed text of Frédéric Lafarge.