
Hermann Goring – Hitler Paladin Or Puppet?


AUTHOR – Wolfgang Paul

PUBLISHER – Arms And Armour

FORMAT – Hardback


PAGES – 286

ISBN – 1 85409 429 7

1 in stock

Category: Product ID: 22747


There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler was able to call upon some masterful generals and administrators — Guderian, Rommel, Kesselring and more — but was Hermann Goring, World War One aviation ace and early convert to the Nazi cause, one of these or a simple seeker after power and glory who did not possess the character or intelligence to advance anything other than his own wealth?

This comprehensive and deeply researched biography charts his colourful career, which grew out of a luxurious upbringing and successful education to early achievements in the 1914-18 conflict, first as an infantry officer and winner of the Iron Cross for bravery, then as a fighter pilot, successor to von Richthofen, and the award of the Pour le Merit.

Noting that the inter-war years brought marriage into a wealthy Swedish family and early meeting with Hitler at Munich, the evidence is provided of the good impression Goring made on his future Fuhrer. Was Hitler impressed by the military deeds and awards that he himself lacked? Did he misread Goring’s abilities? Was he correct in believing the man capable of high command only to find him wanting in the crisis days of World War Two.

The story tells how Goring readily shared in the progress of the Reich, accepting power and delighting in the prestige but, as Hitler’s true policies showed through, as other co-leaders emerged and as the war turned against Germany, how he became disenchanted with the quest, began to lose interest and control, and hid away in unbelievable luxury while the Nazi dream expired.

The incongruity of his continuing expressions of loyalty and the abandonment of attention to his remit is identified as Goring, obese, arrogant and more likely to be found hunting game than planning a war, survived the defeat and surrender to regain some dignity at the Nuremberg war trial, where he showed courage in his defence before cheating the hangman with suicide by poisoning.

This important biography provides the reader with a mass of facts from which an opinion of Hermann Goring can be formed. Refreshingly, it does not impose a view. It is a most important study of a leading player in World War Two, of particular value to post-war generations.

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