
Embleme Der Luftwaffe Band 1: Nah- und Fernaufklarer

AUTHOR – Urbanke, Petrick, Stemmer, Balke

PUBLISHER – Luftfahrtverlag Start

FORMAT – Hardback


PAGES – 320

ISBN – 978 3 941437 30 2

1 in stock

Category: Product ID: 18594


A collaboration between Peter Petrick, Gerhard Stemmer and Ulf Balke, this is the first volume in what will be the most comprehensive work yet on the emblems of the Luftwaffe. Series research has taken almost 20 years. Since Karl Ries’ publications in the 1960s and ’70s, there has not been a publication which has covered the subject in any depth while incorporating the latest information. Volume 1 covers tactical and strategic reconnaissance units and weather reconnaissance units. English / German text and captions.

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Weight 2.1 kg