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Carl Menckhoff – Reminiscences Of War and Captivity

AUTHOR – Carl Menckhoff
PUBLISHER – Aeronaut Books
FORMAT -Hardback
PAGES – 304
ISBN – 978 1 935881 17 9

1 in stock

Category: Product ID: 6100


This book is written in both English and German. The column on the left of the page is in English and the column on the right of the page is in German. There are many photographs to supplement the text and there is a color section at the back of the book of the Menckhoff and Avery families meeting. Carl Menckhoff: Reminiscences of War and Captivity, A Knight of the Pour Le Merite Reports is the compelling story of one of the great aces of the war. Brought down by neophyte American pilot Walter Avery, Menckhoff was captured. The story continues until today with the Avery family s touching return of Menckhoff’s white ‘M’ to Menckhoff’s family. Menckhoff’s story in his own words.