
British Airliner Prototypes Since 1945


AUTHOR – Stephen Skinner

PUBLISHER – Midland Publishing

FORMAT – Hardback


PAGES – 224

ISBN – 978 1 85780 299 3

1 in stock

Category: Product ID: 26159


This is the first time that a detailed study has been produced in one volume on the prolific developmental output of British post-war civil aviation design. This book is the result of many years dedicated research by the author who has drawn upon hitherto largely unknown and untapped manufacturers’ archives.
Following an in-depth introduction on the Brabazon Committee and the development of the post-war British aircraft industry, the author tells the fascinating story of the many designs which emerged over a 40-year period to compete in an ever growing international market. For each airliner there is an overview of its genesis and development supported by performance and production details.

Aircraft detailed include the Avro Tudor 1, the Vickers Viking, the Bristo l Freighter, the Airspeed Ambassador, the De Havilland Comet, the Bristol Britannia, the Vickers VC1D, the BAC One-Eleven and the BAC/SUD Concorde.

With the recent end of airliner manufacture in the UK by indigenous firms, this is a timely look at how the great story of airliner building in Britain developed postwar, and grew with great success over many years, and how now at the beginning of the 21st century, British-built airliners are a thing of the past.